Banner Grange #627 Charter

To Whom It May Concern, Greeting;
Whereas, On the twenty-ninth day of May in the year of our Lord nineteenth hundred and thirty-six a dispensation was granted to certain parties named therein to organize and hold a Subordinate Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry, in the town of Grass Valley, county of Nevada and State of California, under the name of Banner Grange, No. 627, and empowering them to confer Degrees of a Subordinate Grange agreeably to the Constitution of the National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry and the Ritual of the Order.
And Whereas, Application has been made to the National Grange for a Permanent Charter or Warrant, confirming a perpetual right of succession, and securing to them all the rights and privileges of a regularly constituted Grange, and a copy of their By-Laws having been submitted to our inspection and received our approval;
Know now Ye That we, the National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry, for the purpose of diffusing the benefits of the order, and of promoting the interests, welfare and happiness of its members, do issue this Charter to Banner Grange, No. 627, and hereby recognize it as a regularly constituted Grange, under the jurisdiction of the National Grange, and of the State
Grange of California, whose seal is hereunto attached.
Provided, nevertheless, That the Officers and Members of the Grange hereby constituted, and their successors, shall at all times comply with the Constitution of the National Grange and of the State Grange before mentioned, and all laws, rules and regulations passed in accordance therewith.
Otherwise, this Charter shall be forfeited, and the rights and privileges hereby conveyed be void and of no effect.
Organized May 29, 1936 by John L. Berg
Reorganized April 14, 2023 by Joseph B. Stefenoni
Given at Washington, D.C., this tenth day of July A.D. 2023
Witness our Signatures and the Seal of the National Grange hereunto attached.
Betsy E Huber – Master
Debra a Campell – Secretary
Received and recorded by the State Grange of California this 16th day of August A.D. 2023
Joseph B. Stefenoni – Master
Lillian Booth – Secretar